Puerto Rico Callsign Assignments
If you've been wondering why we have all these prefixes here on
such a small island, join the rest of us! We'll try to explain
this to the best of our knowledge. As of this date * this is what we
could compile.
The first callsign prefix assigned to Puerto Rico was KP4
back in 1948. See the PRARL Clubs page for a
brief but very nice history on the origin of amateur radio clubs in
Puerto Rico. We will try to explain the current situation.
When applying for a new license the novice class was assigned the
WP4 2x3 call. When upgrading to Technician, or Tech Plus, the
licensee was issued the KP4 prefix, if he or she would want the
sequential change. This also held true for Generals (mind you that
the suffix would stay the same). When upgrading to Advanced or
Amateur Extra the licensee could opt for a KP4 2x2 or a KP4 2x1 call
This was true until the early eighties. Then NP4 2x2 was
introduced as a Tech, Tech Plus and General class call. At this time
no other KP4 2x3 calls were issued by the FCC. The last group of KP4
2x3 being KP4FO?. This is still true until today. The Novice call is
WP4 2x3, upon extinguishing the NP4 2x2, WP4 2x2 was assigned for
the T, P and G group. then NP3 in 1996 along with KP3 2x2 as an
Advanced call. There now is also WP3 2x1 as an Amateur Extra class
call along with KP4, NP4, WP4, KP3 and NP3.
This should be all clear to you now, right! If you do
understand this or care to, e-mail us and we'll send you a
WP4 2x3 |
WP4 2x3 |
WP4 2x3 |
WP4 2x3 |
WP4 2x3 |
WP4 2x3 |
KP4 2x3 |
- |
KP4 2x3 |
KP4 2x3 |
KP4 2x3 |
KP4 2x3 |
| NP3 2x2 |
NP3 2x2 |
NP3 2x2 |
NP3 2x2 |
NP3 2x2 |
| NP4 2x2 |
NP4 2x2 |
NP4 2x2 |
NP4 2x2 |
NP4 2x2 |
| WP4 2x2 |
WP4 2x2 |
WP4 2x2 |
WP4 2x2 |
WP4 2x2 |
| -
| -
| -
| KP4 2x2 |
KP4 2x2 |
| -
| -
| -
| KP3 2x2 |
KP3 2x2 |
| -
| - |
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KP4 2x1 |
| -
| - |
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WP4 2x1 |
| -
| - |
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NP4 2x1 |
| -
| - |
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KP3 2x1 |
| -
| - |
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NP3 2x1 |
| -
| - |
- |
- |
2x1 | *Note: A few clubs have
been issued WP3 2x2, via the vanity system.